Abstract. We present a Lagrangian-based heuristic LAHA for the Winner Determination Problem in Combinatorial Auctions. The algorithm makes use of the market computing power by appl...
This paper is the continuation of a previous work (Fasano 2004), dedicated to a MIP formulation for non-standard three-dimensional packing issues, with additional conditions. The ...
Scientists need customizable tools to help them with discovery. We present an adjustable heuristic function for scientific discovery. This function may be considered in either a Mi...
1-The increasing cost for System-on-Chip (SOC) testing is mainly due to the huge test data volumes that lead to long test application time and require large automatic test equipmen...
Anders Larsson, Erik Larsson, Petru Eles, Zebo Pen...
Transgenetic algorithms are evolutionary computing techniques based on living processes where cooperation is the main evolutionary strategy. Those processes contain the movement o...
Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco Cé...