Online multi-participant virtual-world systems have attracted significant interest from the Internet community but are hindered by their inability to efficiently support interacti...
RDF-based P2P networks have a number of advantages compared with simpler P2P networks such as Napster, Gnutella or with approaches based on distributed indices such as CAN and CHO...
The availability and the accuracy of the data dictate the success of a data mining application. Increasingly, there is a need to resort to on-line data collection to address the p...
We are developing a preventative health cell phone application that helps motivate teenage girls to exercise by exploiting their social desire to stay connected with their peers. ...
Tammy Toscos, Anne M. Faber, Shunying An, Mona Pra...
We describe Livenotes, a shared whiteboard system and educational practice that uses wireless communication and tablet computing to support real-time conversations within small gr...
Matthew Kam, Jingtao Wang, Alastair Iles, Eric Tse...