Abstract. How do humans achieve the precise positioning of the feet during walking, for example, to reach the first step of a stairway? We addressed this question at the visuomotor...
A. de Rugy, G. Taga, G. Montagne, M. J. Buekers, M...
In this paper, we present our work on a level of detail(LoD) technique for human-like face models in virtual environments. Conventional LoD techniques have been adapted to allow f...
Online trajectory generation for robots with multiple degrees of freedom is still a difficult and unsolved problem, in particular for non-steady state locomotion, that is, when th...
We propose a novel method for automatic camera calibration and foot-head homology estimation by observing persons standing at several positions in the camera field of view. We de...
We present DynaSpot, a new technique for acquiring targets based on the area cursor. DynaSpot couples the cursor's activation area with its speed, behaving like a point curso...