One of congress’ goals for 2007 was for 80% of all tax and informational returns to be filed electronically [9]. However, to date that lofty goal has fallen well short. This res...
Lemuria Carter, Ludwig Christian Schaupp, Allison ...
: Despite the widely recognised importance of intellectual capital as a vital source of competitive advantage, there is still little understanding of how organisations actually com...
In the last few years, the call center industry has considerably grown especially the outbound call center area, such as telemarketing. The productivity of the call centers has si...
Paulo J. de Freitas Filho, Geovani Ferreira da Cru...
A lift curve, with the true positive rate on the y-axis and the customer pull (or contact) rate on the x-axis, is often used to depict the model performance in many data mining ap...
Predictors are inherent components of state-of-the-art microprocessors. Branch predictors are discussed actively from diverse perspectives. Performance of a branch predictor large...