Many database applications require the analysis and processing of data streams. In such systems, huge amounts of data arrive rapidly and their values change over time. The variati...
Lv-an Tang, Bin Cui, Hongyan Li, Gaoshan Miao, Don...
The search for unknown frequent pattern is one of the core activities in many time series data mining processes. In this paper we present an extension of the pattern discovery pro...
Spatiotemporal data pose serious challenges to analysts in geographic and other domains. Owing to the complexity of the geospatial and temporal components, this kind of data canno...
Gennady L. Andrienko, Natalia V. Andrienko, Sebast...
Similarity-based querying of time series data can be categorized as pattern existence queries and shape match queries. Pattern existence queries find the time series data with ce...
Protein subcellular locations, as an important property of proteins, are commonly learned using fluorescence microscopy. Previous work by our group has shown that automated analys...