Automatic physical database design tools rely on "what-if" interfaces to the query optimizer to estimate the execution time of the training query workload under differen...
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation and physical processes. Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedb...
An assumption behind much work on the use of tangibles for learning is that there are individual cognitive benefits related to the physical manipulation of materials. However, pr...
Human-Robot Physical Interaction is an important attribute for robots operating in human environments. The authors illustrate some basic physically interactive behaviors with dyna...
Umashankar Nagarajan, George Kantor, Ralph L. Holl...
Engagement with computer games causes children and adolescent users to spend a substantial amount of time at sedentary game playing activity. We hypothesise that this engagement c...
Shlomo Berkovsky, Dipak Bhandari, Stephen Kimani, ...