We introduce a technique for detecting anomalous patterns in a categorical feature (one that takes values from a finite alphabet). It differs from most anomaly detection methods u...
Distributed heterogeneous search systems are an emerging phenomenon in Web search, in which independent topic-specific search engines provide search services, and metasearchers d...
This paper presents a decomposition method for efficiently constructing 1-norm Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The decomposition algorithm introduced in this paper possesses many d...
Abstract. Lexical variance in biomedical texts poses a challenge to automatic protein relation mining. We therefore propose a new approach that relies only on more general language...
Timur Fayruzov, Martine De Cock, Chris Cornelis, V...
Machine learning approaches to coreference resolution are typically supervised, and require expensive labeled data. Some unsupervised approaches have been proposed (e.g., Haghighi...