As the performance gap between processors and memory systems increases, the CPU spends more time stalled waiting for data from main memory. Critical long latency instructions, suc...
Nikil Mehta, Brian Singer, R. Iris Bahar, Michael ...
Online boosting is one of the most successful online learning algorithms in computer vision. While many challenging online learning problems are inherently multi-class, online boo...
Amir Saffari, Martin Godec, Thomas Pock, Christian...
Let P be a set of points in Rd . We propose GEOFILTERKRUSKAL, an algorithm that computes the minimum spanning tree of P using well separated pair decomposition in combination with ...
We propose a technique to separate audio sources from their anechoic mixtures with long delay in an underdetermined setting (i.e., the number of audio sensors is smaller than that...
This research is a study of structure and method in handwriting Thai characters for conversion and computer use. This paper covers the creation of an online handwriting recognitio...