As part of a comparative ethnographic study of everyday life of young professionals in London, Los Angeles, and Tokyo, we conducted a detailed survey of wallets and their contents...
Scott D. Mainwaring, Ken Anderson, Michele F. Chan...
Imagine that you have been entrusted with private data, such as corporate product information, sensitive government information, or symptom and treatment information about hospita...
Nicolas Anciaux, Mehdi Benzine, Luc Bouganim, Phil...
aAQUA is an online multilingual, multimedia Agricultural portal for disseminating information from and to rural communities. It answers farmers' queries based on the location...
The dramatic increase in data in the area of cancer research has elevated the importance of effectively managing the quality and consistency of research results from multiple prov...
Andrew F. Hart, Chris Mattmann, John J. Tran, Dani...
Volunteered geographic information such as that available in blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and community contributed photo collections is enabling new applications. This ...