Abstract. Estimating a camera pose given a set of 3D-object and 2Dimage feature points is a well understood problem when correspondences are given. However, when such correspondenc...
Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Vincent Lepetit, Pascal Fu...
Recent works have shown that 3D shape of non-rigid surfaces can be accurately retrieved from a single image given a set of 3D-to-2D correspondences between that image and another ...
Jordi Sanchez, Jonas Ostlund, Pascal Fua, Francesc...
Head pose estimation is a critical problem in many computer vision applications. These include human computer interaction, video surveillance, face and expression recognition. In ...
We present a registration algorithm for pairs of deforming and partial range scans that addresses the challenges of non-rigid registration within a single non-linear optimization....
Boundary descriptors may be used effectively in various image based recognition problems. However, when images are acquired in uncontrolled conditions, changes in pose and illumin...