We have been using the concept map of the domain, enhanced with pedagogical concepts called learning objectives, as the overlay student model in our intelligent tutors for program...
“Objects-first” is an increasingly popular strategy for teaching object-oriented programming by introducing the concepts of objects, classes, and instances before procedural e...
Sally H. Moritz, Fang Wei, Shahida M. Parvez, Glen...
SimStudent is a machine-learning agent that learns cognitive skills by demonstration. SimStudent was originally built as a building block for Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools to hel...
Noboru Matsuda, William W. Cohen, Jonathan Sewall,...
Intelligent tutoring systems help students acquire cognitive skills by tracing students’ knowledge and providing relevant feedback. However, feedback that focuses only on the cog...
Ido Roll, Ryan Shaun Baker, Vincent Aleven, Bruce ...