Research on preference elicitation and reasoning typically focuses on preferences over single objects of interest. However, in a number of applications the "outcomes" of...
Ronen I. Brafman, Carmel Domshlak, Solomon Eyal Sh...
We propose a logical framework for set preferences. Candidate sets are represented using profiles consisting of scalar features. This reduces set preferences to tuple preferences o...
Most work on preference learning has focused on pairwise preferences or rankings over individual items. In this paper, we present a method for learning preferences over sets of it...
In many interactive decision making scenarios there is often no solution that satisfies all of the user’s preferences. The decision process can be helped by providing explanati...
Barry O'Sullivan, Alexandre Papadopoulos, Boi Falt...
In this paper, we characterize strategy-proof voting rules when the set of alternatives has a multi-issue structure, and the voters' preferences are represented by acyclic CP-...