The computation of prime implicants has several and significant applications in different areas, including Automated Reasoning, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Electronic Design Automati...
This paper proposes new algorithms for the Binate Covering Problem (BCP), a well-known restriction of Boolean Optimization. Binate Covering finds application in many areas of Comp...
- Most of the direct-cover Boolean minimization techniques use a four step cyclic algorithm. First, the algorithm chooses an On-minterm; second, it generates the set of prime impli...
In this paper, we present a normal form for concept expressions in the description logic ALC which is based on a recently introduced notion of prime implicate for the modal logic ...
Traditional algorithms for prime implicate generation [Quine, 1952; McCluskey, 1956; Tison, 1967; Kean and Tsiknis, 1990; de Kleer, 1992] require the input formulas to be first tr...