Recently, privacy preserving data publishing has received a lot of attention in both research and applications. Most of the previous studies, however, focus on static data sets. I...
Bin Zhou 0002, Yi Han, Jian Pei, Bin Jiang, Yufei ...
Recent work has shown the necessity of considering an attacker's background knowledge when reasoning about privacy in data publishing. However, in practice, the data publishe...
David J. Martin, Daniel Kifer, Ashwin Machanavajjh...
Privacy in data publishing has received much attention recently. The key to defining privacy is to model knowledge of the attacker ? if the attacker is assumed to know too little,...
Johannes Gehrke, Daniel Kifer, Ashwin Machanavajjh...
In data publishing, anonymization techniques such as generalization and bucketization have been designed to provide privacy protection. In the meanwhile, they reduce the utility o...
k-anonymity is a popular measure of privacy for data publishing: It measures the risk of identity-disclosure of individuals whose personal information are released in the form of ...
Bijit Hore, Ravi Chandra Jammalamadaka, Sharad Meh...