The increasing popularity of cloud storage services has lead companies that handle critical data to think about using these services for their storage needs. Medical record databa...
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel P. Correia, Bruno Qu...
Reliable broadcast can be a very useful primitive for many distributed applications, especially in the context of sensoractuator networks. Recently, the issue of reliable broadcas...
We present the design of a distributed store that offers various levels of security guarantees while tolerating a limited number of nodes that are compromised by an adversary. The...
Subramanian Lakshmanan, Mustaque Ahamad, H. Venkat...
Antiquity is a wide-area distributed storage system designed to provide a simple storage service for applications like file systems and back-up. The design assumes that all serve...
Hakim Weatherspoon, Patrick R. Eaton, Byung-Gon Ch...
Many ad hoc routing algorithms rely on broadcast flooding for location discovery or more generally for secure routing applications, particularly when dealing with Byzantine threat...