Small-sample learning in image retrieval is a pertinent and interesting problem. Relevance feedback is an active area of research that seeks to find algorithms that are robust wi...
Charlie K. Dagli, ShyamSundar Rajaram, Thomas S. H...
The last three decades proved Moore’s Law. We witnessed an exponential increase in processing power, memory capacity and communication bandwidth and we expect this increase to c...
Wolfgang Trumler, Faruk Bagci, Jan Petzold, Theo U...
Design is a way of communication and expression. Words, shapes and images are a language and all together contribute to an effective communication. Designers and creative media la...
In this paper, I describe how various understandings of community activated the design of Dialup Radio, a mobile phonebased independent media distribution system for Zimbabwean ci...
This paper describes initial work on developing an information system to gather, process and visualise various multimedia data sources related to the South Yorkshire (UK) floods o...
Paul Clough, Robert Pasley, Stefan Siersdorfer, Jo...