—AutoGait is a mobile platform that autonomously discovers a user’s walking profile and accurately estimates the distance walked. The discovery is made by utilizing the GPS in...
Dae-Ki Cho, Min Mun, Uichin Lee, Williams J. Kaise...
Program comments have long been used as a common practice for improving inter-programmer communication and code readability, by explicitly specifying programmers' intentions ...
The design and maintenance of an aero-engine generates a significant amount of documentation. When designing new engines, engineers must obtain knowledge gained from maintenance o...
Sylvia C. Wong, Richard M. Crowder, Gary B. Wills,...
In biology, a vaccine is a weakened strain of a virus or bacterium that is intentionally injected into the body for the purpose of stimulating antibody production. Inspired by thi...
XiaoFeng Wang, Zhuowei Li, Jun Xu, Michael K. Reit...
We here describe the subword approach we used in the 2006 ImageCLEF Medical Image Retrieval task. It is based on the assupmtion that neither fully inflected nor automatically stem...