The abuse of online games by automated programs, known as game bots, for gaining unfair advantages has plagued millions of participating players with escalating severity in recent...
Steven Gianvecchio, Zhenyu Wu, Mengjun Xie, Hainin...
Program traces can be used to drive visualisations of reusable components, but such traces can be gigabytes in size, are very expensive to generate, and are hard to extract inform...
Craig Anslow, Stuart Marshall, Robert Biddle, Jame...
Most information extraction (IE) systems identify facts that are explicitly stated in text. However, in natural language, some facts are implicit, and identifying them requires â€...
Abstract. Software debugging is the activity of locating and correcting erroneous statements in programs. Automated tools to locate and correct the erroneous statements in a progra...
In this paper we present two type inference systems for detecting useless-code in higher-order typed functional programs. Type inference can be performed in an efficient and compl...