SimStudent is a machine-learning agent that learns cognitive skills by demonstration. SimStudent was originally built as a building block for Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools to hel...
Noboru Matsuda, William W. Cohen, Jonathan Sewall,...
Abstract. To reason about programs, dynamic optimizers and analysis tools use sampling to collect a dynamic call graph (DCG). However, sampling has not achieved high accuracy with ...
Byeongcheol Lee, Kevin Resnick, Michael D. Bond, K...
There exists a large variety of techniques to detect and correct software security vulnerabilities at the source code level, including human code reviews, testing, and static anal...
Abstract. Tracing parallel programs to observe their performance introduces intrusion as the result of trace measurement overhead. If post-mortem trace analysis does not compensate...
Felix Wolf, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Alan M...
Often the code regions that are assigned for a maintenance task do not follow the modularization of the original application program, but instead include parts of code from many d...