The area of approximation algorithms for the Steiner tree problem in graphs has seen continuous progress over the last years. Currently the best approximation
Given a program and an assertion in that program, determining if the assertion can fail is one of the key applications of program analysis. Symbolic execution is a well-known techn...
We present an exact and complete algorithm to isolate the real solutions of a zero-dimensional bivariate polynomial system. The proposed algorithm constitutes an elimination metho...
Eric Berberich, Pavel Emeliyanenko, Michael Sagral...
"This book evolved over the past ten years from a set of lecture notes developed while teaching the undergraduate Algorithms course at Berkeley and U.C. San Diego. Our way of ...
S. Dasgupta, C.H. Papadimitriou, and U.V. Vazirani
Abstract. Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is one of the most basic and central tasks for many studies in modern biology. In this paper, we present a new progressive alignment alg...