—Communication is not necessarily made secure by the use of encryption alone. The mere existence of communication is often enough to raise suspicion and trigger investigative act...
Sebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage, Philip Br...
Abstract. In component-based programming, the programmer assembles applications from prefabricated components. The assembly process has two main steps: adapting a component by twea...
—We address the problem of collaborative sensing in cognitive radios. In a cognitive radio network, all the nodes may sense the spectrum simultaneously. They should then exchange...
Ehsan Azarnasab, Rong-Rong Chen, Koon Hoo Teo, Zhi...
—This paper aims at answering the questions of how to enable cooperative communications in random access networks. And, since cooperation introduces extra transmissions in the ch...
Abstract—Cognitive radio (CR) technology enables the opportunistic use of the vacant licensed frequency bands, thereby improving the spectrum utilization. However, the CR operati...