A group signature scheme allows a group member to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group, while in case of a dispute, a designated entity can reveal the identity of a si...
Ordinarily, RSA and Rabin ciphertexts and signatures are log N bits, where N is a composite modulus; here, we describe how to “compress” Rabin ciphertexts and signatures (among...
We show that verifiable secret sharing (VSS) and secure multi-party computation (MPC) among a set of n players can efficiently be based on any linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS) f...
This paper investigates the Random Oracle Model (ROM) feature known as programmability, which allows security reductions in the ROM to dynamically choose the range points of an ide...
Marc Fischlin, Anja Lehmann, Thomas Ristenpart, Th...
Abstract. In this paper, we first demonstrate a gap between the security of verifiably committed signatures in the two-party setting and the security of verifiably committed signat...