A large class of stochastic optimization problems can be modeled as minimizing an objective function f that depends on a choice of a vector x ∈ X, as well as on a random external...
traction for PCF1 Samson.Abramsky2 University of Edinburgh and Radha Jagadeesan3 Loyola University Chicago and Pasquale Malacaria4 Queen Mary and Westfield College An intensional m...
Separation Logic is a sub-structural logic that supports local reasoning for imperative programs. It is designed to elegantly describe sharing and aliasing properties of heap struc...
We introduce a new framework of algebraic pure type systems in which we consider rewrite rules as lambda terms with patterns and rewrite rule application as abstraction applicatio...
Gilles Barthe, Horatiu Cirstea, Claude Kirchner, L...
Abstract. Techniques such as verification condition generation, preditraction, and expressive type systems reduce software verification to proving formulas in expressive logics. Pr...
Viktor Kuncak, Ruzica Piskac, Philippe Suter, Thom...