A logic program strongly terminates if it terminates for any selection rule. Clearly, considering a particular selection rule—like Prolog’s leftmost selection rule—allows one...
The dependency pair approach is one of the most powerful techniques for automated termination proofs of term rewrite systems. Up to now, it was regarded as one of several possible ...
Introducing priorities on rules in rewriting increases their expressive power and helps to limit computations. Priority rewriting is used in rule-based programming as well as in f...
—In this paper we present an architectural analysis of a smart DMA (sDMA) controller for protocol stack acceleration in mobile devices supporting 3GPP’s Long Term Evolution (LT...
Sebastian Hessel, David Szczesny, Felix Bruns, Att...
The demand of browsing information from general Web pages using a mobile phone is increasing. However, since the majority of Web pages on the Internet are optimized for browsing f...
Gen Hattori, Keiichiro Hoashi, Kazunori Matsumoto,...