Recent availability of commercial online machine translation (MT) systems makes it possible for layman Web users to utilize the MT capability for cross-language information retrie...
A major problem of current Web search is that search queries are usually short and ambiguous, and thus are insufficient for specifying the precise user needs. To alleviate this pro...
We propose a demonstration of Cayuga, a complex event monitoring system for high speed data streams. Our demonstration will show Cayuga applied to monitoring Web feeds; the demo w...
Lars Brenna, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Ming...
An eddy [2] is a highly adaptive query processing operator that continuously reoptimizes a query in response to changing runtime conditions. It does this by treating query process...
Every day millions of users search for information on the web via search engines, and provide implicit feedback to the results shown for their queries by clicking or not onto them...
Carlos Castillo, Claudio Corsi, Debora Donato, Pao...