This paper is concerned with relevance ranking in search, particularly that using term dependency information. It proposes a novel and unified approach to relevance ranking using ...
Determining the provenance of data, i.e. the process that led to that data, is vital in many disciplines. For example, in science, the process that produced a given result must be...
Simon Miles, Steve Munroe, Michael Luck, Luc Morea...
Query expansion is extensively applied in information retrieval systems, such as search engines. Most conventional approaches to query expansion have been developed based on textua...
We present a new approach for personalizing Web search results to a specific user. Ranking functions for Web search engines are typically trained by machine learning algorithms u...
David Sontag, Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Paul N. Benn...
Web search is generally motivated by an information need. Since asking well-formulated questions is the fastest and the most natural way to obtain information for human beings, al...