Personalized search systems have evolved to utilize heterogeneous features including document hyperlinks, category labels in various taxonomies and social tags in addition to free...
Traditionally, search engines have ignored the reading difficulty of documents and the reading proficiency of users in computing a document ranking. This is one reason why Web se...
Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Paul N. Bennett, Ryen W. W...
Ranking Web search results has long evolved beyond simple bag-of-words retrieval models. Modern search engines routinely employ machine learning ranking that relies on exogenous r...
Andrei Z. Broder, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Vanja Josif...
The ranking function used by search engines to order results is learned from labeled training data. Each training point is a (query, URL) pair that is labeled by a human judge who...
Rakesh Agrawal, Alan Halverson, Krishnaram Kenthap...