The MObile Teamwork Infrastructure for Organizations Networking (MOTION) 1 service platform that we have designed and implemented addresses an emerging requirement in the daily bu...
Pascal Fenkam, Engin Kirda, Schahram Dustdar, Hara...
Searching for applications that are highly relevant to development tasks is challenging because the high-level intent reflected in the descriptions of these tasks doesn’t usual...
Mark Grechanik, Chen Fu, Qing Xie, Collin McMillan...
Abstract. As a low-cost ressource that is up-to-date, Wikipedia recently gains attention as a means to provide cross-language brigding for information retrieval. Contradictory to a...
The problem of Music Information Retrieval can often be formalized as “searching for multidimensional trajectories”. It is well known that string-matching techniques provide r...
Spoken document retrieval (SDR) has been extensively studied in recent years because of its potential use in navigating large multimedia collections in the near future. This paper...