Information integration systems combine data from multiple heterogeneous Web services to answer complex user queries, provided a user has semantically modeled the service first. T...
Kristina Lerman, Anon Plangprasopchok, Craig A. Kn...
Background: The most renowned biological ontology, Gene Ontology (GO) is widely used for annotations of genes and gene products of different organisms. However, there are shortcom...
—In this paper RDFStats is introduced, which is a generator for statistics of RDF sources like SPARQL endpoints and RDF documents. RDFStats does not only provide a statistics gen...
The Semantic Web initiative defines important challenges for knowledge representation and database systems. Recently, several standards for representation languages have been pro...
XML is by now the de facto standard for exporting and exchanging data on the web. The need for querying XML data sources whose structure is not fully known to the user and the need...