Complex code bases require continual testing to ensure that both new development and routine maintenance do not create unintended side effects. Automation of regression testing is...
Joshua Hursey, Ethan Mallove, Jeffrey M. Squyres, ...
As software evolves, impact analysis estimates the potential effects of changes, before or after they are made, by identifying which parts of the software may be affected by such ...
Taweesup Apiwattanapong, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jea...
High-level spoken document analysis is required in many applications seeking access to the semantic content of audio data, such as information retrieval, machine translation or au...
Julien Fayolle, Fabienne Moreau, Christian Raymond...
In recent years, the use of performance measures for transit planning and operations has gained a great deal of attention, particularly as transit agencies are required to provide ...
Traditionally, ad hoc networks have been viewed as a connected graph over which end-to-end routing paths had to be established. Mobility was considered a necessary evil that inval...