The abuse of online games by automated programs, known as game bots, for gaining unfair advantages has plagued millions of participating players with escalating severity in recent...
Steven Gianvecchio, Zhenyu Wu, Mengjun Xie, Hainin...
—Flash-crowd attacks are the most vicious form of distributed denial of service (DDoS). They flood the victim with service requests generated from numerous bots. Attack requests...
A great challenge in securing sensor networks is that sensor nodes can be physically compromised. Once a node is compromised, attackers can retrieve secret information (e.g. keys)...
Empirical studies that use software repository artifacts have become popular in the last decade due to the ready availability of open source project archives. In this paper, we su...
In certain applications, it is important for a remote server to securely determine whether or not two mobile devices are in close physical proximity. In particular, in the context ...