Abstract. A random iteration algorithm for graph-directed sets is defined and discussed. Similarly to the Barnsley-Elton’s theorem, it is shown that almost all sequences obtaine...
This paper introduces a novel energy minimization method, namely iterated cross entropy with partition strategy (ICEPS), into the Markov random field theory. The solver, which is...
There is a wide variety of data mining methods available, and it is generally useful in exploratory data analysis to use many different methods for the same dataset. This, however...
Set expansion refers to expanding a partial set of “seed” objects into a more complete set. One system that does set expansion is SEAL (Set Expander for Any Language), which e...
We study iterative randomized greedy algorithms for generating (elimination) orderings with small induced width and state space size - two parameters known to bound the complexity...
Kalev Kask, Andrew Gelfand, Lars Otten, Rina Decht...