Abstract-- We deal with the problem of detecting and identifying body parts in depth images at video frame rates. Our solution involves a novel interest point detector for mesh and...
Christian Plagemann, Varun Ganapathi, Daphne Kolle...
In recent years, depth cameras have become a widely available sensor type that captures depth images at realtime frame rates. Even though recent approaches have shown that 3D pose...
Andreas Baak, Meinard Muller, Gaurav Bharaj, Hans-...
Markerless tracking of human pose is a hard yet relevant problem. In this paper, we derive an efficient filtering algorithm for tracking human pose at 4-10 frames per second using...
Varun Ganapathi, Christian Plagemann, Sebastian Th...
We propose a new method to quickly and accurately predict 3D positions of body joints from a single depth image, using no temporal information. We take an object recognition appro...
Jamie Shotton, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Mat Cook, Andrew...
We describe a virtual mirror interface which can react to people using robust, real-time face tracking. Our display can directly combine a user's face with various graphical ...
Trevor Darrell, Gaile G. Gordon, John Woodfill, Mi...