With recent advances in Software-defined Radios (SDRs), it has indeed became feasible to dynamically adapt the channel widths at smaller time scales. Even though the advantages o...
With the advancement of video-compression technology and the wide deployment of wireless networks, there is an increasing demand for wireless video communication services, and man...
Because “botnets” can be used for illicit financial gain, they have become quite popular in recent Internet attacks. “Honeypots” have been successfully deployed in many d...
Abstract--Recent advances in wireless sensor technology facilitate the development of remote healthcare systems, which can significantly reduce the healthcare cost. Despite the ini...
The MANTIS MultimodAl system for NeTworks of In-situ wireless Sensors provides a new multithreaded embedded operating system integrated with a general-purpose single-board hardwar...
Hector Abrach, Shah Bhatti, James Carlson, Hui Dai...