The offering of anonymity in relational databases has attracted a great deal of attention in the database community during the last decade [4]. Among the different solution appr...
Image auto-annotation is a challenging task in computer vision. The goal of this task is to predict multiple words for generic images automatically. Recent state-of-theart methods...
We propose a novel directed graphical model for label propagation in lengthy and complex video sequences. Given hand-labelled start and end frames of a video sequence, a variation...
Ignas Budvytis, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Roberto Cipo...
We introduce a novel combinatorial optimization problem: the one-commodity traveling salesman problem with selective pickup and delivery (1-TSP-SELPD), characterized by the fact th...
Recent advances in large-margin classification of data residing in general metric spaces (rather than Hilbert spaces) enable classification under various natural metrics, such as ...
Lee-Ad Gottlieb, Leonid Kontorovich, Robert Krauth...