Compared with the traditional interaction approaches, such as keyboard, mouse, pen, etc, vision based hand interaction is more natural and efficient. In this paper, we proposed a...
The scope of this paper is the interpretation of a user's intention via a video camera and a speech recognizer. In comparison to previous work which only takes into account g...
In this paper, we present our approach for visual tracking of head, hands and head orientation. Given the images provided by a calibrated stereo-camera, color and disparity inform...
A method is proposed to track the full hand motion from 3D points reconstructed using a stereoscopic set of cameras. This approach combines the advantages of methods that use 2D mo...
Real-time, static and dynamic hand gesture learning and recognition makes it possible to have computers recognize hand gestures naturally. This creates endless possibilities in the...
Todd C. Alexander, Hassan S. Ahmed, Georgios C. An...