The problem of cooperatively performing a collection of tasks in a decentralized setting where the computing medium is subject to adversarial perturbations is one of the fundament...
Chryssis Georgiou, Alexander Russell, Alexander A....
Drawing on a critical perspective stemming from socially informed studies of medicine, we analyze an ongoing effort to establish electronic nursing plans at the university hospita...
IP multicasting is the most efficient way to perform group data distribution, as it eliminates traffic redundancy and improves bandwidth utilization. Application Layer Multicast (...
: The increasing ubiquity of wireless mobile devices is promoting unprecedented levels of electronic collaboration among devices interoperating to achieve a common goal. Issues rel...
Radu Handorean, Rohan Sen, Gregory Hackmann, Gruia...
The evolution and commercialization of Web Information Systems (WIS) since 1991 has gradually shifted the focus from basic design issues to feedback analysis, visualization techni...