It is well-known that freeness and linearity information positively interact with aliasing information, allowing both the precision and the efficiency of the sharing analysis of l...
Patricia M. Hill, Enea Zaffanella, Roberto Bagnara
Abstract. We investigate the evolutionary processes behind the development and optimization of multiple threads of execution in digital organisms using the avida platform, a softwa...
Charles Ofria, Christoph Adami, Travis C. Collier,...
Behavioral rewriting di ers from standard rewriting in taking account of the weaker inference rules of behavioral logic, but it shares much with standard rewriting, including noti...
In this paper we present a method of describing microprocessors at different levels of temporal and data abstraction. We consider microprogrammed, pipelined and superscalar proces...
Context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) is a restriction of rewriting which forbids reductions on selected arguments of functions. Proving termination of CSR is an interesting problem w...