Object alignment is one of the basic operations in drawing programs. Current solutions provide mainly three ways for carrying out this operation: either by issuing an alignment co...
The problem of disjoint sets, also known as union-find, consists in maintaining a partition of a finite set within a data structure. This structure provides two operations: a fu...
In the presence of an internal state, often it is required a sequence of function calls to test software. In fact, to cover a particular branch of the code, a sequence of previous...
The presence of a functionally correct golden implementation has a significant advantage in the software development life cycle. Such a golden implementation is exploited for soft...
Ansuman Banerjee, Abhik Roychoudhury, Johannes A. ...
We propose a novel objective function for discriminatively tuning log-linear machine translation models. Our objective explicitly optimizes the BLEU score of expected n-gram count...