A long-standing challenge in interactive entertainment is the creation of story-based games with dynamically responsive story-lines. Such games are populated by multiple objects a...
Mark J. Nelson, David L. Roberts, Charles Lee Isbe...
Reinforcement learning (RL) problems constitute an important class of learning and control problems faced by artificial intelligence systems. In these problems, one is faced with ...
This paper merges hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) with ant colony optimization (ACO) to produce a HRL ACO algorithm capable of generating solutions for large domains. Th...
Reinforcement learning is based on exploration of the environment and receiving reward that indicates which actions taken by the agent are good and which ones are bad. In many app...
This paper highlights the crucial role that modern machine learning techniques can play in the optimization of treatment strategies for patients with chronic disorders. In particu...
Arthur Guez, Robert D. Vincent, Massimo Avoli, Joe...