As massively multi-player gaming environments become more detailed, developing agents to populate these virtual worlds as capable non-player characters poses an increasingly compl...
John Reeder, Gita Sukthankar, Michael Georgiopoulo...
Energy is one of the most crucial aspects in real deployments of mobile sensor networks. As a result of scarce resources, the duration of most real deployments can be limited to ju...
A key problem in reinforcement learning is finding a good balance between the need to explore the environment and the need to gain rewards by exploiting existing knowledge. Much ...
A graphical multiagent model (GMM) represents a joint distribution over the behavior of a set of agents. One source of knowledge aboutagents'behaviormaycomefromgametheoretic ...
Quang Duong, Michael P. Wellman, Satinder P. Singh
In multiple criteria Markov Decision Processes (MDP) where multiple costs are incurred at every decision point, current methods solve them by minimising the expected primary cost ...