We provide an algebraic formalization of connectors in the BIP component framework. A connector relates a set of typed ports. Types are used to describe different modes of synchron...
Abstract. The Alloy modeling language has a mathematically rigorous denotational semantics based on relational algebra. Alloy specifications often represent operations on a state,...
Theophilos Giannakopoulos, Daniel J. Dougherty, Ka...
Algebraic specifications of data types provide a natural basis for testing data types implementations. In this framework, the conformance relation is based on the satisfaction of a...
We present a logical framework Υ for reasoning on a very general class of languages featuring binding operators, called nominal , presented in higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS)....
We present a process algebra for modeling and reasoning about Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and their protocols. In our algebra we model the essential modeling concepts of ad ho...