—Mobile phones are becoming commonplace for consuming Internet content and services. However, availability, affordability, and quality of the supposedly ubiquitous cellular netwo...
The Web is rapidly moving towards a platform for mass collaboration in content production and consumption from three screens: computers, mobile phones, and TVs. While there has be...
Yih-Farn Chen, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, David C. Gib...
This demo presents Signposts, a system to provide users with a secure, simple mechanism to establish and maintain communication channels between their personal cloud of named devi...
Amir Chaudhry, Anil Madhavapeddy, Charalampos Rots...
With the tremendous growth of World Wide Web (WWW), the door has been opened to a multitude of services and information for even the most casual of users. Today, many wireless and ...
The union of Interactive Digital TV (IDTV) and Web promotes the development of new interactive multimedia services, enjoyable while watching TV even on the new handheld digital TV...
Stefano Ferretti, Marco Roccetti, Johannes Andrich