We introduce a purely passive facial capture approach that uses only an array of video cameras, but requires no template facial geometry, no special makeup or markers, and no acti...
Derek Bradley, Wolfgang Heidrich, Tiberiu Popa, Al...
We present a method for automatically rendering pen-and-ink illustrations of trees. A given 3-d tree model is illustrated by the tree and a visual representation of the foliage us...
We present a new set of algorithms for line-art rendering of smooth surfaces. We introduce an efficient, deterministic algorithm for finding silhouettes based on geometric duali...
We propose a layered facial simulation model for skin aging with wrinkles, which includes muscle, connective tissue and skin layer. Our aim is to simulate relevant facial animatio...
A voxel-based terrain visualization system is presented with real-time performance on general-purpose graphics multiprocessor workstations. Ray casting of antialiased 3D volume te...