To enhance the efficiency of threshold group signature schemes, Yu and Chen, recently, proposed an efficient threshold group signature scheme. By using elliptic curves, the propos...
In the (t, n) proxy signature scheme, the signature, originally signed by a signer, can be signed by t or more proxy signers out of a proxy group of n members. Recently, an efficie...
In threshold ring signature schemes, any group of t entities spontaneously conscript arbitrarily n - t entities to generate a publicly verifiable t-out-of-n signature on behalf of ...
Sherman S. M. Chow, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui, Siu-Ming ...
Abstract--We consider the use of threshold signatures in adhoc and dynamic groups such as MANETs ("mobile ad-hoc networks"). We first show that known threshold RSA signat...
Rosario Gennaro, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal R...
Group signature schemes allow a member of a group to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group. In the case of later dispute, a designated group manager can revoke the anony...