We use search engine results to address a particularly difficult cross-domain language processing task, the adaptation of named entity recognition (NER) from news text to web que...
EuroGOV is a multilingual web corpus that was created to serve as the document collection for WebCLEF, the CLEF 2005 web retrieval task. EuroGOV is a collection of web pages crawl...
A number of design models have been proposed in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to support user-centered system design. el, abstract task models and detailed interface...
: Middleware technologies such as CORBA and DCOM have been developed as a means of tackling heterogeneity and complexity problems inherent in distributed systems. However, more wor...
This paper is about our approach to answer validation, which centered by a Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) core engine. We first combined the question and the answer into Hypo...