Increasing complexity of distributed applications and commodity of resources through grids are making the tasks of deploying those applications harder. There is a clear need for s...
Several different controller representations are compared on a non-trivial problem in simulated car racing, with respect to learning speed and final fitness. The controller rep...
Alexandros Agapitos, Julian Togelius, Simon M. Luc...
Code-patterns are statically recurring structure specific to a programming language. It can be parallel to aid in designing software systems for solving particular problems. Contr...
By harnessing computational power of distributed heterogeneous resources, it is possible to build a large scale integrated system so that a centralized program is partitioned and ...
Debzani Deb, M. Muztaba Fuad, Michael J. Oudshoorn
In this paper we describe how object-oriented language design interacts with access control in extensible systems, based on our experience in building the SPIN extensible operatin...
Wilson C. Hsieh, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Marc E. Fiucz...