In time series analysis, inference about causeeffect relationships among multiple times series is commonly based on the concept of Granger causality, which exploits temporal struc...
We study graph estimation and density estimation in high dimensions, using a family of density estimators based on forest structured undirected graphical models. For density estim...
Anupam Gupta, John D. Lafferty, Han Liu, Larry A. ...
The Target Set Selection problem proposed by Kempe, Kleinberg, and Tardos, gives a nice clean combinatorial formulation for many problems arising in economy, sociology, and medicin...
Oren Ben-Zwi, Danny Hermelin, Daniel Lokshtanov, I...
Abstract. Linear systems and eigen-calculations on symmetric diagonally dominant matrices (SDDs) occur ubiquitously in computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. In ...
Although, most of phenomena change over time, there has been an attempt to model the phenomena of real world assuming a static nature for them. Even when changes occurred in the p...