This paper promotes the use of a mathematical concept lattice based upon the binary relation of accesses between methods and fields as a novel visualization of individual JAVA cl...
Building and maintaining the class hierarchy has been recognized as an important but one of the most difficult activities of object-oriented design. Concept (or Galois) lattices a...
Robert Godin, Hafedh Mili, Guy W. Mineau, Rokia Mi...
The Syntactic Concept Lattice is a residuated lattice based on the distributional structure of a language; the natural representation based on this is a context sensitive formalism...
Concept analysis transforms any relation between ‘lobjects” and “attributes” into a complete lattice. This concept lattice can be studied by algebraic means and offers rem...
The design and construction of navigation menus for websites have traditionally been performed manually according to the intuition of a web developer. This paper introduces a new a...
Guo-Qiang Zhang, Gongqin Shen, Ye Tian, Jiayang Su...