Attacker-defender Stackelberg games have become a popular game-theoretic approach for security with deployments for LAX Police, the FAMS and the TSA. Unfortunately, most of the ex...
Zhengyu Yin, Manish Jain, Milind Tambe, Fernando O...
Recent applications of game theory in security domains use algorithms to solve a Stackelberg model, in which one player (the leader) first commits to a mixed strategy and then th...
This paper studies the problem of model-based testing of real-time systems that are only partially observable. We model the System Under Test (SUT) using Timed Game Automata (TGA)...
Alexandre David, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Shuhao Li,...
There has been significant recent interest in game theoretic approaches to security, with much of the recent research focused on utilizing the leader-follower Stackelberg game mod...
Zhengyu Yin, Dmytro Korzhyk, Christopher Kiekintve...
There has been significant recent interest in game theoretic approaches to security, with much of the recent research focused on utilizing the leader-follower Stackelberg game mo...
Dmytro Korzhyk, Zhengyu Yin, Christopher Kiekintve...